Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A short trip to Lanesboro

Last week, while Ben was at Camp Winnebago, Nancy and I went to Lanesboro for a couple of days. It was just about perfect weather for biking and walking. We ate outside on the deck next to the river. Our "Inn" was very comfortable and right across the street from the just opened Commonweal Theater. we didn't go to a play, but got to look around during intermission. We want to go back and see a play there someday.

Click on any picture for album

Monday, July 16, 2007

Butterfly Count

Saturday afternoon was a local Butterfly Count, kind of like the Christmas Bird Count only not as popular. I don't go every year, but had some time this year. A total of 41 different kind of butterflies were seen and about 1200 individuals. There were about 15-20 people counting from 9-noon and then again from 1-3 pm. My team saw about 20 different kinds and here are some of the photos and names of a few of them.

click any photo to go to album

Thursday, July 05, 2007